
Bronchodilator and Tocolytic; Used in asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; Also used in premature labour

Adult – 1.25 to 5 mg (maximum 15 mg daily) in divided doses
Paediatric – 2.5 mg orally every 6 to 8 hours (maximum 7.5 mg daily)

Mechanism of Action:
Stimulation through beta-adrenergic receptors of intracellular adenyl cyclase. This leads to relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and inhibition of release of mediators of immediate hypersensitivity from cells, especially from mast cells

Side Effects:
Shakiness in the legs, arms, hands, or feet; trembling or shaking of the hands or feet

Molecular Structure:

Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics – 24th Edition, R.S. Sartoskar

Note: This information is intended for doctors and students of medicine. Every effort has been made to provide actual information, especially on medicine dosage, however, it is advisable that doctors make final decisions on their usage. This information is not meant to replace a proper medical diagnosis or therapy. Responsibility taken by authors is suitable for this kind of publication and is not tantamount to responsibility for an individual medical advice.
The authors, consultants and publishers of this information do not take any responsibility for possible mistakes or harms resulted from the information usage. Any cases of legal claims connected with medicines and chemical substances being under clinical examination are not going to be taken into consideration
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